We know the place is looking great, but a beautiful garden is never finished - and it's a terrific way to meet your neighbours and connect with our community. Yes, we know it coincides with Father's Day, but what better opportunity for dads to show off their new tools than this?
Please meet at 10am at the front of the Rifle Club (Platform 1 side) and bring gloves (we will have some available) and any of the following tools:
• Shovel or spade
• Fork
• Hoe
• Wheelbarrow
• Mattock
• Loppers
• Secateurs
Refreshments will be provided!
We are in the throes of completing a submission for VicTrack funding aimed at established stationeer groups. The maximum grant amount of $700 is not to be sneezed at and we have a lovely letter of support from Fiona Richardson, our "patroness".
N.B. There will be one more working bee on 23 October, when we will concentrate on plantings west of the station. Save the date!