No, it isn't the latest think-piece from the Institute of Public Affairs, it's Sunday's working bee! One of the best turnouts ever from friends and neighbours to help distribute two vast piles of organic compost across two new garden beds on either side of the train line. Thanks to everyone who came along to help and for sharing a sausage or two in the aftermath. As the photos attest, a heap of local kids were right in the thick of things, working hard and really helping us out with unflagging enthusiasm. A fun way to get a big job done, and an all-too-rare opportunity for neighbours to spend some purposeful time together.
30 cubic metres of steaming hot organic compost were generously donated by
SITA Organics - it is tremendous stuff and will give our new plantings a real boost when we get them into the ground come September. We owe our immense gratitude to SITA for their donation and for their commitment to improving the local environment through supporting our community's activities.
Take that, you courtyard, you. SITA Organics delivers their steaming, hot, organic compost. Mmmm. |
Ugh this is hard going, where are the kids... |
Boys have we taught you nothing - do as we say, not as we do. |
Much better. |
Ahh nimble little fingers at work, it warms the heart. |
South-West site filling out nicely. |
He is inVINCEable |
The North-East site gets the Dickens treatment. |
Thanks to Anna DeLeeuw Poole for the great photos. More updates soon, including some concept plans for the whole site for your perusal and input.